Call Change Ringing
Doubles_Twin_Hunt_NamesCalling Call Change Doubles Extents
How to call True 120s of Call Change Doubles and the names of some methods
Another way of writing the compositions with their names – c/o Owen Borlase
Here are a few Call change peals written out in full –
34 Front half of the Devon Competition Peal 34 Back half of the Devon Competition Peal
Call Change Peal Rollup Doubles 120
Call Change Peal Yewcroft 4th Hunt Doubles 120
Call Change Peal Betjeman Doubles 120
80 St Dominic 3rd Hunt Doubles Call Changes (Shortened)
Call Change Peal Queens Minor 128
Call Change Peal Enhanced Rollercoaster Triples 128
Call Change Peal Brannel Mk 2 146
A podcast of Cathy Booth of chatting with Owen Borlase
Learn about the differences from Method ringing, how call change peals are constructed, and how it is more than just a step to method ringing but a ringing specialism in it’s own right.
Call Change arrangements suggested for the Diamond Jubilee
70 call changes, by Eric Bannister
70 call changes, by Owen Borlase
Jubilee call changes on 8 bells, by Phil Tremain
70 Call Changes on 5 bells
Based on Devonshire 60 on 3rds By Martin Spittle
First 62 changes are 60 on 3rds like the composition by Eric, but Tenor not turned in at the end..
70 call changes based on 60 on 3rds
See Jubilee Ringing Suggestions for some more ideas
Method ringing suggestions
Includes other short performances and can be found here on the
Performance Secretary’s Page