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Jo Tomlinson



An update from the latest Truro Diocesan Safeguarding Briefing (April/July 2022)


The current expectation from the Diocese is that all Bell ringers should complete the Basic Awareness course and Tower Captains and those teaching children need to complete Basic Awareness, Foundation and Leadership in that order. Basic Awareness and Foundation can be accessed through the Church of England training portal:
Then, once they are completed you can book onto the Leadership course which is run over two sessions by the Diocesan Safeguarding team:
This may all seem to be excessive but given that many of us are now teaching it’s sensible to be appropriately trained.
Sue Shadrick


Safeguarding Outline

In 2016 there were significant changes in respect of Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults. Some towers may still not be compliant. It is the responsibility of the Incumbent and the PCC to ensure safeguarding in their church activities. Ringers will obviously wish to be helpful in this regard, if only for their own protection.
Tower Captains will need to familiarise themselves with the Guidance & Procedures of both the Church and the Central Council (2019) (select the ‘Tower Operation’ tab) . Please note, these procedures are a requirement of the Church, supported by both the Diocese and Central Council so they must be followed
Perhaps the most significant change was that anyone involved in directly caring for and/or teaching a child (a child is anyone under the age of 18) will be required to be DBS checked, whether they are supervised or not. This applies also for transporting children as part of a formal arrangement, irrespective of frequency. The same rules apply with vulnerable adults. Visiting tutors are required to show their DBS but visiting groups are responsible for their own checks. Although it is nowhere clearly stated, the implication of this is that other than in a one-off situation the presence of a parent is not sufficient and all tutors (but not helpers) need to be DBS checked. This procedure is now supposed to be fairly quick online and is free for volunteers.
It is a requirement of the Church that responsible posts, such as Tower Captain, have a proper job description, are recruited via a Confidential Declaration of suitability, that references and DBS checks are requested as appropriate and that Safeguarding training (only half a day) be undertaken and updated every 3 years. A suggested job description is available on this site. “Role Descriptions.
Safeguarding Guidance should be available in all towers (ie printed off and on the notice board or similar) and, where children are expected, a signed attendance register kept.
This may all sound rather onerous but I don’t think it needs to be. The most important issue that needs addressing now is for anyone involved (or potentially involved) in the direct teaching or care of young people should be DBS checked and undergo some basic training. Even where there are no young ringers at present it is still recommended that TCs and their Deputies be DBS checked now in order to cover any eventuality, including the fact that adult vulnerability is not always obvious.
For local arrangements and the training program go to: Diocesan Safeguarding Information
Link to Church of England Parish Safeguarding Handbook

Online Ringing

Over the last year, online ringing has become far more popular as a result of the Covid-19 Lockdowns. It is believed by CCCBR that it will continue to be more popular than it was prior to Covid-19 and they have produced some Safeguarding advice for the online environment. Along with this is a Summary of Best Practice.


Print off the Guidance from the CCCBR website and display it in the tower. Ask your Parish Safeguarding Officer to arrange any outstanding DBS checks, given the changes outlined above.
Where there are young ringers (or the potential for young ringers) the TC should book themselves in for Foundation & Leadership Training (now called CO (online) C1 and C2) if required.
Any ringer doing hands on teaching needs to be DBS checked, C0 and C1 trained and supervised by the Tower Captain.
Initiate a signed register (this may need a tactful introduction).
Liaise with PCC over job description and recruitment procedures.
Ensure Risk Assessment is displayed in tower and reviewed annually.
Any queries to Parish Safeguarding Officer.

Safeguarding report 2019 for 24.10.2020 AGM TDGR

This year the Guild has been liaising with the diocese on safeguarding matters as usual.
We recommend that everyone downloads a copy of the Parish Handbook and follows the guidance
within. This is a useful publication to have in your tower when ringing commences.
I would draw your attention to page 17, where while it is recommended that anyone involved in
activities within the church may complete the online safeguarding courses, it is a requirement for
Bell Tower Captains to undertake Basic awareness, Foundation and Leadership Safeguarding
training. Now whilst there are no evening practices is as good a time as any to complete the
The Basic Awareness and Foundation courses are online.
They don’t take too long to complete and can be done in chunks.

Sue Shadrick

Contact our Safeguarding Officer safeguarding@tdgr.org.uk