President’s Blog September 22

As I’m sure you’re all now well aware the 125th anniversary of the formation of the Truro Guild is fast approaching on Sat. 8th October.

This is a fantastic occasion, not only for us to celebrate, but also an opportunity to help with recruitment. If bell ringing is to thrive, we all need to use every opportunity to let the wider public know why bell ringing could be the new hobby for them with the benefits and enjoyment it could bring to their lives. The key to this happening is how much publicity we can generate to the non-ringing community to say that we are actively looking for new bell ringers, for people who would like to try something different. Promoting how it helps to keep you fit and active both physically and mentally There’s more to bell ringing than they could imagine, and you get to meet new people, and you don’t need to be a regular
church goer to do this.

It’s now up to us to unlock this potential to gain extra ringers with articles written for local/Parish magazines and mentioned on Face Book and other social media platforms you may use, and of course the best way, by chatting to people, slipping the anniversary into conversation, and asking if they wish to come along and “give bell ringing a go”

The week leading up to the anniversary, from 1st – 7th Oct. It would be wonderful for as many towers as possible throughout the Guild to ring something for this occasion, which could be done on a practice night, perhaps 125 call changes to mark the occasion, and please let us know if you do ring something. The anniversary itself on Sat. 8th Oct. Perhaps the Districts would like to have some open towers, and possibly publicise this to anyone wishing to come along and see what bell ringing is all about!

Truro Cathedral will be open where we’re setting up a display and mini-ring for visitors to see and understand why we enjoy bell ringing so much, (tower outings and getting to see other pretty churches and villages you would rarely go to.) From mid-day on Sat.8th Oct, we’ll be attempting a Peal on the bells at Truro Cathedral, so feel free to
come along to listen, have a go on the mini-ring and see our display. From 4.00pm I extend an open invitation for everyone to come along to take part with some open ringing on the Cathedrals 12 bells, followed at 5.00 by an uplifting service of celebration for us to mark this historic occasion.

After the service, there will be a short period of time for anyone wishing to have another go on the mini-ring or ring some more on Truro’s lovely 12 bells.

The day ends with a Guild 125th Anniversary Dinner hosted in the restaurant area of the Cathedral, for which you should’ve all seen the menu that has been circulated. I urge booking early to avoid disappointment.

Hope to see you all on the day,

Sam Nankervis
TDGR President.

