Acting Education Officer visits St Buryan

St Buryan is probably on most bellringers bucket lists to visit – being the heaviest ring of 6 in the world! I was fortunate to be able to visit St Buryan on their practice night this week, my thanks to the band for being so welcoming! There were many ringers in...

Recruitment & Retention Workshops

Since I’ve started in the role of acting public relations officer, I’ve heard lots from ringers who’d like to recruit, and retain, people into their towers so that they can keep ringing. Ringing means so much to so many people on different levels...

First trip out for the new acting Education Officer

Since taking up my post less than two weeks ago, I’ve been busy arranging visits across the Guild – watch this space as I hope to be in a tower near you soon! I kicked off my tour last night, with a trip to the Eastern District and was welcomed at St Dominic. St...

President’s Blog – August 2023

A calmer few weeks since the last blog although I feel a lot has been achieved! I am so pleased that we are now able to fill another position within our Guild.  As already posted, Jemma H joins us as acting Education Officer. I, and the rest of the team, look forward...