Some of the Ringers who have attended the Western District Dinner for many years will remember the Revd Preb. Brooke Kingsmill-Lunn who came from London each year, with Jim Prior and Jim Phillips, for this occasion. Brooke was a Parish Priest in London and involved pastorally with St. Paul’s Cathedral. He was member of the Ancient Society of College Youths and of the St. Paul’s Cathedral Company of Ringers. He also rang regularly at St. Bartholomew the Great, Smithfield. Some of us who went to the College Youths Dinner, held each November, would stay with him. We all remember his wonderful sense of humour and generous hospitality. Upon retirement Brooke moved into a flat at Charterhouse in London; in the last year he moved to the infirmary there as his health was failing . He died over the Christmas period. We have kept in contact and he always enjoyed receiving a Saffron Cake each year for Christmas which he shared with the community. Brooke was certainly a faithful Parish Priest, excellent ringer, a friend of many, and a real character; he will be sadly missed. I am sure the Lord will say “well done good and faithful servant; enter into the joy of you Lord”. May Brooke rest in peace and rise in glory.
Canon Father Malcolm Bowers